Tavera cab in Kashmir can be easily confirmed within few minutes with us. This cab has to offer an ample amount of space with a seating capacity to accommodate 8 individuals easily. Alongside that this cab has a good leg room so that you can relax your legs while exploring Kashmir. Also this tavera cab in Kashmir has a good rooftop carrier so if you are having 6-7 luggage’s you can easily keep them on the top and enjoy the mesmerizing beauty of Kashmir. From top Kashmir you can easily pre-book a tavera cab in Kashmir within just few minutes.

Tavera cab service in kashmir - book tavera taxi in srinagar kashmir

How to book a Tavera Cab Service in Srinagar ?

Simply dial +91-8899488832 in order to book a Tavera Cab in Srinagar. From the official website of top Kashmir tour and travel you can confirm your desired vehicle within 10 minutes as they are one of the finest service providers in Kashmir.

How to book a Tavera Cab Service in Kashmir ?

Just dial +91-8899488832 and share your travel plan with us and within 10 minutes your Tavera cab will be confirmed by top Kashmir, they are one of the finest service providers in Kashmir with over 10K followers on Instagram & 6K followers on Facebook respectively. 

Updated Pricing of Tavera Cab Service in Kashmir

Srinagar Airport to Srinagar Hotel Drop
Srinagar to Mughal Gardens ( 03 Mughal Gardens )
Srinagar to Dal Lake
Srinagar to Old City tour
Srinagar to Shankaracharya Temple
Srinagar to Tangmarg ( complete day trip )
Srinagar to Gulmarg ( complete day trip )
Srinagar to Sonmarg ( complete day trip )
Srinagar to Pahalgam ( complete day trip )
Srinagar to Doodhpathri
Srinagar to Jammu
Srinagar to Leh [ 2 days trip ]
Srinagar to Kargil
Srinagar to Gurez [ Dawar ]
Srinagar to Rajouri
Srinagar to Poonch
Srinagar to Sharda Shareef
Srinagar to Surankot via Mughal Road
Srinagar to Peer ki Galee
Srinagar to Aharbal Waterfall
Srinagar to Doda
Srinagar to Kishtawar via, Sinthan Top
Srinagar to Doda
Srinagar to Daksum
Srinagar to Achabal & Kokernag ( Complete day trip )
Srinagar to Verinag ( Complete day trip )
Srinagar to Naranag
Srinagar to Baltal ( Complete day Trip )
Srinagar to Wular lake round trip
Srinagar to Yusmarg ( Complete day trip )
  • Spacious Cabin 
  • Comfortable Seating 
  • Fresh Interior 
  • Roof top Carrier  
  • Driver Cum Guide 
  • Pet Friendly Vehicle 
  • Family Friendly Driver
  • Pocket Friendly 
Booking Process

How to book a Tavera Cab in Srinagar Kashmir ?

Simply follow these steps : 

  1.  Visit our website : In order to book your tavera cab in Kashmir the first step that you need to take is to visit the official website of top Kashmir.
  2.  Share travel plans : once you have visited our website the next step you need to take is to share your travel plans with our team. 
  3.  Get complete information : get a complete and comprehensive information from our team members. 
  4.  Pay a token amount : After your questions / queries are answered , you need to pay a minimal token amount so as to confirm your booking. 
  5.  Receive an Invoice : After you have paid a token amount you will be issued an invoice by our team members with all the details.

Where to book a Tavera Cab in Srinagar Kashmir ?

There are numerous vendors that provide tavera cab in Kashmir ,One among them is top Kashmir which is one of the best service providers in Kashmir. Within 10 minutes you can confirm any of the cab from them.

How to book a Tavera cab in Srinagar ?

You can dial +91-8899488832 in order to confirm your Tavera cab in Srinagar. Apart from this you can also book an Innova Crysta Cab in Kashmir. 

How to rent a Tavera cab in Kashmir for Kashmir tour ?

To rent a tavera in Kashmir for Kashmir tour you can call on +91-8899488832. You can share your tour plans with our team and within   10 minutes you are ready to explore Kashmir. 

How to rent a Tavera cab in Kashmir from Srinagar Airport ?

To rent a tavera cab in Kashmir from Srinagar international airport you can dial the official number of top Kashmir travels i.e., +91-8899488832.

What is the per day rate of Tavera cab in Kashmir ?

₹3000/day is the rate of Tavera in Kashmir. The rates may vary from destination to destination. To get comprehensive information of the pricing you can read the rate list shared above. 

What is the rate of Tavera cab from Srinagar to Gulmarg ?

₹2800 for a drop & ₹3000 for a complete day trip is the costing of tavera cab from Srinagar to Gulmarg. To know more you can read the pricing table given above. For extra comfort you can also book an Ertiga Cab in Kashmir.

What is the rent of Tavera cab from Srinagar to Pahalgam ?

For a complete day trip to Pahalgam the tavera cab will cost you ₹3000 and for a drop only it will cost you ₹2800. The journey comprises of 4-5 hours and our driver will pick you up from your location in Srinagar and transfer you to Pahalgam.

What is the Pricing of Tavera cab from Srinagar to Sonmarg ?

The tavera cab from Srinagar to Sonmarg will cost you ₹2800 for a drop and ₹3000 for a complete day trip. 

What is the rate of Tavera cab from Srinagar to Ladakh ?

The tavera cab from Srinagar to Ladakh will cost you ₹19000 for a two days and one night trip. it means that our driver will pick you up from your desired location in Srinagar and you will travel with him towards Kargil where you will be staying for a night. Shortly after spending one night in Kargil on the very next day you will travel towards Leh ( ladakh ) , The journey on the day 02nd will take 5-6 hours approximately and eventually in the evening our driver will drop you at the main market of Ladakh. 

What is the rent of Tavera cab from Srinagar to Jammu ?

₹13000 will be the rate of tavera cab from Srinagar to Jammu. Our driver will pick you up from your desired location in Srinagar and through national highway 44 you will began your journey. through the majestic mountains and regions you will be transferred to Jammu. The journey will take 06-07 hours to complete and eventually in the evening you will be at your destination. Our driver will drop you at the main taxi stand of Jammu from where you can take a local taxi to reach your respective location. 

Why choose top Kashmir for your Tavera cab in Srinagar Kashmir ?

Choosing top Kashmir for your tavera cab booking is nothing but a bliss, as we are one of the finest cab service providers in Kashmir with over 10K followers on Instagram we are trusted by thousands of clients till date. So if you are looking for a tavera cab or any other cab in Kashmir we have a diverse fleet of cabs available to serve you and your loved ones. So what makes you think so much ? Reserve your cab with us within few minutes easily in order to experience the rich hospitality that you may have never experienced before.



What is the rate of Tavera Cab in Kashmri ?

₹3000 is the per day rate but it also depends upon the location and the place you want to visit.

What is the seating capacity of Tavera Cab in Kashmir ?

6+1 individuals can easily adjust in a tavera. 

How to book Tavera Cab from Srinagar to Jammu ?

Simply dial +91-8899488832 in order to book Tavera cab from Srinagar to Jammu. 

How to book Online Tavera cab in Kashmir ?

Visit the official site of top Kashmir in order to book online tavera cab service in Kashmir.

Can we book Tavera cab in Kashmir for a Kashmir tour ?

Yes you can book a tavera cab for a complete Kashmir tour easily.

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